Dalrhiw Mine

Dalrhiw Mine

Dalrhiw Mine is just across the Rhiwnant River from Nant Y Car South Mine. Work started at Dalrhiw Mine in 1850 by a cost-book company of 3,000 shares. The work started after a discovery of a very rich specimen of cooper ore. A adit was driven from the water side on a copper lode and by 1851 had reached a length of 45 fathoms. Work started on sinking a engine shaft from the surface to the adit in 1851. In the same year construction of a 52 foot by 5 foot water wheel had begun. Unfortunately due to disagreements with the landlord operations were held up during the most of 1852. By 1853 the engine shaft had reached 27 fathoms level, 10 fathoms below adit level where a lead lode was uncovered. In 1854 Captain James Skimming published a report of the mine in the 'Mining Journal of July 1854' in which he condemmed the lack of enterprise of the company, and deplored the air of lassitude at the mine. He found the the adit to be between 50 and 60 fms long, with the end of the lode either lost or greatly deteriorated. Hardly anything had been down at the 27, or on the lead lode, and the hauling arrangements, consisting of a pulley slung over the shaft, with a horse walking towards or away from it to lower or raise the kibble. Captain James Skimming had observed a good copper lode in the roof of the adit in which he urged the share holders to develop the mine and get the ore to market. After this report was published the shaft was deepened to a 37 fm level wher a few tons of ore was uncovered. A new shaft was sunk near the stream to the depth of between 10 or 20 fm level. In 1857 to provide more capital a new limited liability company took over the property and in 1859 a motion to wind-up this company was carried. The mine was mined again from 1862 to 1867. During 1851 - 1862 a small output of Lead and Copper Ore was achieved.
The above information was from the book Metal Mines of Southern Wales by 'G W Hall'.
Map Ref SN886 607

Dalrhiw House

Map Ref SN8849 6080

Managers House / Dalrhiw House

Map Ref SN8849 6080

Dalrhiw Mine

Bob Pit and Shaft

Work started on sinking a engine shaft from the surface to the adit in 1851.
The shaft was mined to a depth of at least 37 fathoms. At 27 fathoms a lead lode was uncovered lying against a copper lode at the mouth of the adit.
Map Ref SN8848 6072

Whim circle above the shaft and Bob pit

Map Ref SN88470 60710

Crusher and small wheel pit

Map Ref SN8850 6074

Ore Bins

Map Ref SN8848 6073

Ore Bin

Water Wheel Pit

In 1851 construction of this 52 foot by 5 foot water wheel had begun. There was a accident to the wheel pit and at one time the one wall collapsed.
Map Ref SN8853 6077


Map Ref SN8852 6081

Jigger Wheel Pit

Map Ref SN8854 6081

Trial Mine

Map Ref SN88730 60610

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